Nike uses many different
digital platforms to develop their brand and build brand loyalty. They are incredibly active on social media
and make a point to respond to nearly every mention they receive. Nike has embraced and made a huge push toward
digital media, “It spent nearly $800 million on ‘nontraditional’ advertising in
2010, according to Advertising Age estimates, a greater percentage of its U.S.
advertising budget than any other top 100 U.S. advertiser.” (Cendrowski, 2012) This gives them a platform to connect with
their target markets as well as engage their emotional marketing strategy,
using the story of heroism. They don’t
sell shoes, they sell the idea that we can all be an athlete!
As defined on,
a business’ unique selling position (USP) is the “Real or perceived benefit of
a good or service that differentiates it from the competing brands and gives
its buyer a logical reason to prefer it over other brands. USP is often a critical component of a
promotional theme around which an advertising campaign is built.” (What is unique selling proposition (USP)?, n.d.) Nike’s USP
lies in positioning their products for professional athletes. Therefore, when consumers purchase a pair of
Nike shoes or athletic gear, they aspire to tap into what makes their favorite
athletes so great. This is what all of
their brands, across all of their platforms, are positioned around. By understanding the target market and their
desire for performance and empowerment, Nike has become a leading global brand
of athletic shoes and apparel.
Here is a list of the digital
platforms that Nike is involved with:
Google +
Nike + (their own social media platform!)
Cendrowski, S. (2012, February 13). Nike's new marketing mojo.
Retrieved July 22, 2016, from
Moth, D. (2013, March 27). How Nike uses Facebook, Twitter,
Pinterest and Google. Retrieved July 21, 2016, from
What is unique selling proposition (USP)? definition and
meaning. (n.d.). Retrieved July 21, 2016, from
عليك ان تفهم ماذا تريد منا ! شركة صيانة مسابح بالرياض هل تعبت من تنظيف المسبح و تحتاج الي الرائع حتي نقوم بتنظيف المسبح الخاص بك و تأخذه من ايدي شركتنا و انت راضي و مقتنع بخدمة اسعار تنظيف المسابح بالرياض نحن الان نعرض عليك افضل الخمات بافضل الاسعار فلا يمكنك الاستغاثة باحد غيرنا لاننا الاقوي و الافضل و اذا سألت عنا ستجد اسمنا في اعلي مكانة في اي مكان في المملكة العربية السعودية نحن تنظيف مسابح شمال الرياض نريد رضا العميل قبل رحيلنا من عنده فاذا لم يعجبك عملنا عليك اخبارنا سريعا لتعديل الاشياء التي تريدها في اعمالنا عزيزي العميل امامك الان اكبر فترة ممكن لتتعامل معنا كل ما عليك هو التواصل و طلب قسم شركات انشاء المسابح بالرياض فسنقوم بالرد عليك في اسرع وقت ممكن